The Resurrection Issue of SuperFlumina is Available!

It’s finally here! The Resurrection issue of SuperFlumina has arrived at the Abbey and the Preorders and Subscription copies are going out right away.

This issue features an interview with the Reverend Canon Doctor Manoj Zacharia, poetry and a monastery meditation recounting her retreat at Christ the Bridegroom Monastery in Burton, Ohio, by Sister Debbi, a Rant from the Abbot, and more. In all, it’s about 230 pages of crankiness.

Buying a copy of the new issue (or even better, subscribing!) is a great way to support CMMR and also to get to know who we are and what we’re about. Check it out in the Buy CMMR Stuff page on this website.


Sister Debbi’s Busy!


CMMR Featured in the Hour!