Sister Debbi’s Busy!

At the end of April, Sister Debbi presented a workshop on Alcoholism and Addiction in the Church at the Episcopal Church’s Province V gathering. There she shared a booklet she wrote about the subject (available as a free PDF on this website). There she was able to re-connect with people she knew from all over the Episcopal Church, and also got to meet new people as well. As someone herself celebrating thirty-four years of recovery (on May 1!) and a deep awareness of the harm caused by alcoholism and other addiction within the Church, as well as the stigma still attached to those (especially ordained leaders) in recovery, this is work near and dear to her heart.

Sister Debbi will be starting volunteer work at the state prison in Michigan City in May. She has felt called to prison ministry since before she was a Christian, so we’re excited that she will have a chance to live into that vocation once again.


First Vegetable Beds Finally In


The Resurrection Issue of SuperFlumina is Available!