An emerging experiment in Christian religious community
A (new/old) “monastic” community that is…
The Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer takes seriously the Church’s scripture and theological, ascetical, and liturgical tradition and, while not claiming to be monks ourselves, embraces much of the traditional forms of monastic life.
Because we take that tradition seriously, we are also radical in today’s culture—holding most of our goods in common, privileging prayer and worship over the capitalist work ethic, and trying to take seriously the ancient Sabbath and Jubilee traditions.
Open to the Spirit
Though we pray the Office and celebrate the Eucharist daily, and in many other ways lead a traditional “monastic” life, we are also open to the working of the Holy Spirit—who is leading us into all truth—so for example, people of all genders, all states of life (single, celibate, married couples and families), and all orders of ministry are welcome to be full members of our Community.
Working for Renewal
We are different because we believe that the renewal of the Church will come about, in part, by the reclamation of monastic values in the wider Church where they began according to Acts 2 and 4, which says that the Church … apostles’ teaching and fellowship, the breaking of the bread and the prayers and held all things in common.
We also believe that reclaiming this for the Church can be part of God transforming the world.
Working With and For God’s Creation
CMMR recognizes the world as God’s Beloved Creation and human beings as stewards of it, charged for caring for it as the image-bearers of God. That means that we believe that it is our responsibility to care for it and love it and to know God’s own life and power revealed in it. We also recognize that it is in Empire’s interest to separate us from that role, from Creation, and, in that way, even from God. The less connected we are to each other, to God’s Creation and to God, the more power Empire has over us, so we resist that separation.
That all of this is necessary to resist the power of Death and the powers that serve it as they have worked their way into the political, economic, social, and spiritual structures of the world, oppressing humanity throughout history, including today.