CMMR Featured in the Hour!

The Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer was featured in the latest issue of the Hour Magazine!

The Hour Magazine’s tagline is: Anglican. Catholic. Left. The editors describe the magazine as “a quarterly online magazine of criticism that was founded to pick up where the Anglo-Catholic socialist tradition left off. The tradition, that is, of the likes of Vida Dutton Scudder, Stewart Headlam, Frederic Hastings Smyth, R.H. Tawney, et al; and was that carried on into the recent past (at times almost single-handedly, it seems) by the late Kenneth Leech.”

The Hour began publication around the same time as SuperFlumina and shares many of the same frustrations, concerns, interests, and subject matter as our writers and CMMR. We’re really excited to be featured there, and especially in the current issue which focuses on groups that already exist within the Episcopal Church that lean left.

If you haven’t yet, it’s worth checking out. You can find them at


The Resurrection Issue of SuperFlumina is Available!


New CMMR Rule and New CMMR Breviary Under Review