New CMMR Rule and New CMMR Breviary Under Review

The Abbot has completed a draft revision of the Rule of the Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer. It’s currently under review and should be finalized and available as a PDF on this website soon, and for sale in book form soon after.

The Breviary is technically more complicated—SO MANY DETAILS!—but is also getting close. The plan is to have home printed versions available in our chapel to use for a year or so, which should give us time to catch as many typos and other errors as possible, but also to get a feel for how it works in actual use. If there is enough desire for it, we can make a PDF draft version available to those who would like to beta-test it with us. Once we feel pretty good about it, we’ll get a final draft designed and printed and make it available in our online store (that “Buy CMMR stuff” button above).

We’re excited about both of these and can’t wait to share them with you.


CMMR Featured in the Hour!


The Retreat that Wasn’t (But Kinda Was)