Letter from Joey

I would like to thank the Community of Mary Mother of the Redeemer for allowing me to be a part of what God is doing through them for the last several years. It has been a sacred time of praying, learning, and for the last six months, living together. I thought that this might be a permanent arrangement, but after much prayer and discernment I believe that God is calling me in a different direction. I feel I may be called to a lifetime commitment of celibacy and that to fulfill that vocation I would need to live in a traditional monastic community where more formation and support in that lifestyle would be available. I do not have a particular community in mind yet but I’m keeping my heart and mind open to how God will lead me. I would like to thank Father Rob and Sister Debbi for their support in this process and for spending the last six months worshipping and growing together. I would also like to thank the people of Trinity for hosting us on the grounds of their beautiful church. My prayers are with you all and I hope that you will pray for me as well.

Peace and Blessings,

Joey Miller


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